How to Think “-sphere(圏)” on Bioart: Through a Visual Experiments
biosphere(生物圏) ecosphere(生態圏)
blastosphere(胞胚) oosphere(配偶子)
hydrosphere(水圏) lithosphere(岩石圏)
geosphere(地殻) atmosphere(雰囲気、環境、大気、空気)
sphere of living(生活圏)public sphere(公共圏)
? Can I design any small experiments for visualizing “(bio)sphere” to help considering Bioart?
? バイオアートを考える上で、「(バイオ)スフィア」を可視化するための小さな実験をデザインできないか?
! I want to make a clue to think about it directly…
! 直接的に考える手がかりを作りたい・・・。
like Thaumatrope…
Relationship between human-microbiome
Overlapping and Comparing with some scales; time and size (?)
Create moving Image?
Accumulation of the “sphere” of petri-dish image
Printing on tracing papers? or laser cutting acrylic plates.
Making a normal Thaumatrope
Problem; Weight problem; normal 1 petri-dish w/ medium=ca.30g Petri-dish thickness
Task; Making the Double-side petri-dish. Consider how to lighter weight. Ways to support the Petri dish. Think of a rotating mechanism. Try to Yeastogram
Prototyping 01: Attach the two petridishes together.
movie 01
movie 02
in construction…